Slipway Information

The use of South Walsham slipway by trailed craft is restricted to keyholders. It is also restricted to craft less than 5 metres (16 feet) long overall and with a beam, together with the outer width of the trailer and its wheels, being less than 2.3 metres (7ft 6in) wide.

Key categories

Parishioner annual keys
Any parishioner of the village will be able to apply for an annual key at a cost of £25 per annum with a returnable key deposit of £50. These keys will be available at any time during the year and will be valid for 12 months.

To apply contact the Clerk [email protected].

Non parishioner annual keys
Non parishioners will be entitled to apply to the Parish Clerk for one of eight annual keys at a cost of £25 per key and, regrettably, with a returnable deposit of £100 per key due to non-return of keys. These annual keys will be selected by ballot from applications submitted by members of the public to the Parish Clerk by 20th February each year. The annual ballot will be held during the March Council meeting and the keys will then be made available to the first eight names drawn for the following 12 months. Existing key holders will have no preferential rights. If any of the eight names drawn fail to pay for their key by the end of June, Council reserves the right to offer that key to the next reserve on the list maintained by the Parish Clerk.

To apply complete and submit the Slipway Key Request form on this website.

Day keys
Three day keys will be available for use by members of the public. These will be issued on behalf of the parish council by the Parish Clerk Aileen Beck. These keys will need to be pre-booked through the Clerk and will cost £5 per day. There is a form to complete, available on this site and for those who are unable to use the internet, hard copies of the booking form/slipway use agreement will be available. The keys will be issued on a first come first served basis.

To apply complete and submit the Slipway Key Request form on this website or telephone the Clerk on 01603 270392.

Slipway rules
The key remains the property of South Walsham Parish Council and is for the sole use of the boat named on the applicant’s form and must have a current Broads Authority registration number or Short Visit toll number. It may not be copied or lent to a third party. The fee for lost or non-returned keys is £25. At the discretion of the Parish Council, more than one boat may be used by one key holder (evidence of toll will also be required for any additional boat).

  1. Trailed boats may be launched/recovered between the hours of 8.00am and 8.00pm only.
  2. No vehicles or trailers may be parked anywhere on the staithe or the public road. A free public car park is within 100 metres but no guarantees can be given that space is available. No trailers may be parked in the car park for more than eight hours at any one time. No boats or other boating equipment may be parked in the car park at any time.
  3. Noise must be kept to a minimum (eg no protracted running of engines, no loud music) and due consideration shown to other staithe/slipway users and nearby residents, especially those who rely on the staithe for access to their properties.
  4. The barrier is to be kept locked except when launching or recovery is taking place.
  5. Litter is prohibited. There is provision for refuse disposal at the car park.

Anyone infringing these terms will be refused future use of slipway keys, and their names and toll numbers reported to the Broads Authority for further action.

In case of difficulty, contact the Parish Clerk – [email protected]

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